Computer troubles

I have been having computer issues for a long time and we are just not in a position at the moment to be able to purchase a new laptop for me to be able to do my writing and blog up keep.

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know why I have went poof and haven’t been around, yet again.

I apologize.

In the meantime I am interested in hosting a couple of guest blogger posts. If you are interested feel free to email me at The content of the blog post would have to be mental health related and appropriate. It would have to be approved for posting. I will link back to your blog and you can include a brief bio.

Also be sure to leave me a comment letting me know how you all are.

2 thoughts on “Computer troubles

  1. I hadn’t heard from you. How are you doing? I still have no Dr for mental health, lol. This insurance, Medicare HMOs are to be the death of us all. I can only say that people today do not adhere to old school ways when it comes to customer service. I see from your blog and how you write, you got your shit together. Stay in touch!


    1. Hey Cica, I am doing okay, been sick off an on since October (not mental health wise) but otherwise good. I went back to work this summer and was really busy for a few months because it was our busiest season, fall was similar but its slowed down now for a bit. So sorry that you still do not have a doctor to see, are there any walk in clinics around that you would be able to go to? I am in Canada so our medical system is different so not sure what the rules are there. Thanks for thinking of me and reaching out!!

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