Computer troubles

I have been having computer issues for a long time and we are just not in a position at the moment to be able to purchase a new laptop for me to be able to do my writing and blog up keep.

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know why I have went poof and haven’t been around, yet again.

I apologize.

In the meantime I am interested in hosting a couple of guest blogger posts. If you are interested feel free to email me at The content of the blog post would have to be mental health related and appropriate. It would have to be approved for posting. I will link back to your blog and you can include a brief bio.

Also be sure to leave me a comment letting me know how you all are.

Its the little things.

Its the little things in life that make me truly happy. Little gestures that make me smile and know just how lucky I am. Little things in my every day life that just swell my heart. Here are a few pictures over the past week or so that just made me smile.

*Note: The note was next to my computer from my 17 year old daughter*

What things made you smile this week?

At a friends cabin
I spent a lot of time driving yesterday (8 hours) It was a beautiful day for it!
And my biggest smile this week was finding this note from my 17 year old daughter next to my computer. ❤

Unwell, but you probably knew that

I haven’t been feeling myself for a while. There has been this nagging voice that something is just not right. And no matter how quiet it is or how much I try to completely silence the voice. I can still hear it and it is working itself into a louder and louder sound that is getting harder to ignore.

I am not quite sure what it is exactly that I am feeling. I tend to lean towards the fact that it is probably some sort of depression. But I feel like it is much more than that.

No signs of mania or even hypomania. I just feel emotional, sensitive, down, and I feel taken for granted. I feel hopeless, and tired, emotionally tired, my soul is tired. And I wonder so much if there is even any room for me. There is not enough space for me to peacefully occupy. (I am NOT suicidal)

I am sleeping, might be some weird hours, but there is sleep. I am having some anxiety and some sense of dread.

I feel like there is something coming towards me at full force but I just cannot figure out what it is, or care enough to step out of its way, that I am insignificant enough and don’t matter enough to even step to the side so the collision doesn’t happen.

I know that all these signs point to something. They tell me that something is wrong. This is not my ‘normal’ thought process.

Guest bloggers, and an update

Just a quick update. Bipolar Whispers blog is fully back up and running. As you can see I have changed the theme/layout, all blog posts have the updated signature, some have been edited and some have been deleted.

I have added my social media information:


Interested in being a guest blogger on Bipolar Whispers, email me at

I did this a few times in the past and am interested in doing a few more guest posts again in the future. If this is something that interests you feel free to email me at .

In the blog post I can add an image or two, your blog address, social media or anything else that might be relevant.

Finally, is there something you would like to see me blog about? Comment below with any blog ideas and I will do my best to write about them.

Surprise from a houseplant

I have had this plant for about 10 years now. I have no idea what type of plant it is. It has always just grown with the green leaves and grew long like a type of climbing or vine plant. It has never flowered before.

A few days ago one of those little white flowers came out. Today there are three on the same end of the vine.

I have no idea why it flowered, but it gives me hope that anyone can bloom or grow if it is just cared for in the right ways.


Writing has always helped to untangle the web of chaos inside my head. I write and form thoughts on paper when I feel like I am unable to form coherent thoughts inside my head. Somehow as my pen works its way across the paper my writing takes shape and makes much more sense than any of my thoughts ever could.

I have often said or written about how I write faster or type faster than my conscious mind can think, I sometimes re-read things and wonder when I wrote it, or where the thoughts came from.

When I write or read things I can feel the words. I feel the depth of my thoughts after I write them unto paper. Only after I read what I have churned from my mind and written into sentences do I begin to understand my tangled thoughts.

For me writing is my biggest form of self care. It is what I do when I am down in the dumps or soaring in the heights of mania and anywhere in between.

Self care is not just for people with mental health issues but is very important for everyone. Practicing some form of self care can ensure that you are not running on empty and can help your wellbeing and happiness.

There are different types of self care and there are many different things that you can practice in each category. Self care should be geared individually.

For example: If you love to read, reading would be a good form of physical self care, but if you hate to read it would not make sense for you to try to use reading as one of your self care activities.

Almost anything that you find enjoyment in can become something that you do for self care. Just taking a few minutes to read a book, write something, listen to music, exercise or even taking a bubble bath can be forms of self care. Other things can be taking a minute to laugh, share a joke, talk to a friend on the phone, have a cup of coffee or tea.

I asked my readers and fellow bloggers what they did for self care and here are their answers:

Angela says “I light my favorite incense, desert sage, while I journal about things that are weighing heavy on my heart. I journal until those things lose their power over me. Sometimes I watch my favorite movie, Wonder Woman, to remind myself that I am a powerful woman who has taken my power back.”

Robert says “I’m setting good boundaries with other people and getting enough sleep.”

Becky says “I am writing to confront things that used to hurt me. It’s a mixed bag, but in the end it does help.”

Julian says “I’m reaching out to people. I figured it’s been a while since depression has got me in a very lonely lifestyle. But, chances are, I’m not an introvert by nature. I tried finding purposeful things to do by myself, but nothing came to my mind. Maybe it’s not the things, but the people I do those things with. The engagement. Admitting that I’m not a monk, that I need a social life is actually tough. But I guess that’s the way to go. So, I’m reaching out.”

What do you do for self care? Do you find that taking an active part in self care is beneficial to your wellbeing and over all health?

Clearly, Unclear

I feel like I’m drowning
and I am unable to swim strong enough
or fast enough to break through the surface

Or perhaps I’m falling
headed towards the earth at the speed of light
and my wings are much to bent to fly

I’m suffocating in a tornado of emotions
of spinning objects and chaos all around
and even with all the air surrounding me, I cannot breathe

My mind and emotions are out of control
confusion, disorientation, unclarity
I no longer know where I begin or where I end

After all these years

Sometimes I wake up in the dark to the silent screams that my soul emits. And for a split second, that feels like an eternity, I have a sense of spine tingling fear.

Sometimes I wake up in the dark to my heart beating out of my chest. And I remember things that I have spent a lifetime trying to forget.

Sometimes I wake up in the dark with a million thoughts trespassing through my once calm slumber.

And I cringe inside because I know these thoughts, these feelings, this fear, and those memories…..are you.

Even after all these years.